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[영어]영화감상문 핸콕(Hancock)을 보고..

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1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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재밌었던 영화 핸콕을 보고 간략하게 써봤습니다.

문법같은건 건정안하셔도 돼고요~

독후감 쓰실때 참고하면 도움되실거에요^^




Can you fly? When I was watching Hancock I thought this movie had many precepts and made me to be like super hero. I would be amazing If I could fly and were very powerful. Also I would never die. If that were true how amazing? I would do many things but most things would be for my self. what about you? If you have these power what would you do? Here is the man. Let`s see what he did!
Here is the super hero. His name is Hancock. He always drinks alcohol and when a problem arise such as a robbery or fire etc. He deals with the problems very rough. He can do it more safely but he doesn`t care. It seems like he doesn`t have any purpose or reason for life so he is just wasting his time like me and many others. Actually, humans have many powers, although not like Hancock. Our powers are pretty powerful but usually common people are wasting their time and lives in regret. However, Hancock doesn`t because he can`t die. When he is sleeping on a public bench one child wakes him up and says some robbers are fleeing from the cops on the highway. so Hancock flies there and pitches them on a building rooftop.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어]영화감상문 핸콕(Hancock)을 보고..
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