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[영어작문]오프라윈프리의 리더십, servant leadership

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6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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오프라윈프리의 리더십, servant leadership
일과 가족사이의 선택 에 관한 간단한 영작글입니다.


1. Among all role model presentations and group presentations you heard in the class, choose one for each which you think was the best and describe the reasons for your choice.
2. In this course, you had chance to reflect on various issues in the form of writing or discussion. What was the question to which you gave the most serious thought? How did you feel about others` response on that question? Was there any change in your thought through the course?
3. In this course we studied the lives of various leaders. Think about your leadership weakness and discuss one leader which inspires you the most in that area.
4. Covey`s core principle of `servant leadership` and Mother Teresa`s meaning of true love is closely related. Discuss in what sense they are related.


1. Among all role model presentations and group presentations you heard in the class, choose one for each which you think was the best and describe the reasons for your choice.

I am impressed by all role model presentations and group presentations which I heard in the class. And they are respectable people. They do their best in their work, their field. So, they become the best, live the wonderful life. Among them, I chose `Oprah Winfrey`.
Nobody doesn`t know Oprah Winfrey. She is a power and brand which can move the United State. She underwent the unhappy childhood. And she as a black woman overcame all unfavorable conditions, succeed grandly in the United State where there is called `Nation of the chance`,`Nation of the equality`, but the prejudice about colored races exists.

참고 자료




판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어작문]오프라윈프리의 리더십, servant leadership
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