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English Essay - Euthanasia

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


낙태(Euthanasia)에 관한 짧은 영작문(English Essay) 입니다.




The word ‘euthanasia’ comes from the Greek language, and it means ‘good death’. When patients have no chance of recovery, they might want to choose a ‘good death’ in order to stop the suffering. Some people insist that doctors just provide gas or drugs for patients to have a peaceful death. However, others might claim that doctors who perform ‘assisted suicide’ must be arrested. (Uniform Laws 609. 1987) On the other hand, others who support those doctors may say opting for an ‘assisted suicide’ is better than enduring unbearable and ceaseless pain. This essay will discuss different views whether euthanasia should be allowed or not.

Many opponents identify euthanasia with suicide because basically the human life is majestic, and people can not simply choose suicide even euthanasia is used to end a patients’ acute pain. This ideology is originated from the Christian religion. According to the Bible, if a person commits suicide, the person could not go to the heaven. Furthermore, most people think that the reason someone commits suicide is normally to avoid something serious or difficulty in his or her life. Suicidal people blame themselves for their problems and weakness, so they consider their suicide as the way to keep from hardship. Generally, some people consider euthanasia as a type of suicide and they also blame people who opt for euthanasia.

참고 자료

Australian Uniform Laws 609. 1987
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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English Essay - Euthanasia
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