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[인문]어셔가의 몰락

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


어셔가의 몰락을 읽은 후 나의 견해를 소개한 글
원어 강의 과제여서 영작 되어있음.




<The Fall of the House of Usher> is a story about a speaker of the novel who got a letter from his old friend, Roderick Usher and then visited his house observes the death of Roderick and his sister and the fall of the house. In the description of the house of Usher, he says that the house gives him insufferableness of unknown origin. And Roderick are not scared of sickness. What he is scared is that his sister would die soon and that he has to remain alone in the house. In addition he says grayish wall and swamp which is to be seen far-off influences his mind-set. Poe describes his psychology using the gloomy and mysterious house symbolically. And Roderick has melancholia and neurasthenia from effect of the house. I guess Poe talks about own mental disease, here. The house gets mopishness somewhere and people who live in the house are suffering a disease.
After reading this story, I consider it related to the concept of <Doppelganger>. This is German and means `the man who hang around in a double life`. Though it is used in korean wording as `one`s other self` or `duplication of oneself`, it has little difference in that one sees the illumination of oneself. But, it is seen as mental disorder occuring in case of one getting mental shock

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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