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[영어감상문]잉글리쉬 페이션트 (The English Patient)(1996)

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영화 : 잉글리쉬 페이션트 (The English Patient)(1996)를 보고
영어감상문을 써보았습니다.



Hana -
Kip -
Caravaggio -
Katharine Clifton -
Geoffrey Clifton -


-When Almásy was finally released, he knew it was too late to save Katharine so he joined the Germans, helping their spies cross the desert into Cairo. The Germans let Almasy have a plane. When he went to the cave of swimmers to find Katharine, she was already dead. He retrieved her body and took it. But the his plane is shoot down by soldiers.
- Caravaggio, he is an English spy He detects the place that she was there taking care of a burned patient. When he arrives at the Villa, his thumbs have been cut off due to Almasy`s inform. He want to kill Almacy Caravaggio is addicted to morphine.
-While playing piano, one soldier enter the villa Kip, an Indian who has been trained as a sapper. Kip explains that the Germans often booby trapped musical instruments with bombs, and that he will stay in the Villa to rid it of hidden bombs.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어감상문]잉글리쉬 페이션트 (The English Patient)(1996)
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