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[감상문]Legends of the Fall 감상

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기






The story is about three brothers who are the sons of a discharged colonel. Their mother left them when they are still young. but she keeps letter exchanges with their father. The family is all men except an Indian lady who the maid and her daughter, Isabelle, who is a hybrid. The oldest brother, Alfred, is matured and well disciplined. The youngest brother, Samuel, is naive. The second son of the family, Tristan is a true cowboy. He is raised up by the Indian in the farm, One Stab. Some old men has that, a brave man will have a great death. Tristan cannot wait, so he goes to look for his. He is hurt by a bear, and he has the bear`s blood in his body from then on. The animal nature in his heart grows with him. It is first released when his youngest brother, Samuel, dies in the battle of World War Ⅰ. He takes Samuel`s heart, so as to set his spirit free. Tristan puts his brother`s blood on his face as what the Indians do and goes to kill his enemies in the evening. When the dawn falls, he goes back with a necklace of pieces of skull skins of his enemies. It is dreadful and yet makes people feel being spelt. when he is discharged, his heart cannot rest peacefully. He marries Samuel`s fiancee but the bear in his heart gets more and more restless as the days pass by. He cannot forgive himself for the failure to save his beloved brother, Samuel, in the battle. And there he is, set himself free. He travels for years before the bear in his heart finally becomes quite.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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