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Different kind of Cinderella stories in the world

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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(1) Summary
(2) Different kind of Cinderella stories in the world


(1) Summary Cinderella, treated like a slave by her Stepmother and stepsisters, seeks refuge in her own little corner of the house. Meanwhile, the King’s son was to give a ball and he invited all persons of fashion to it. On the night of the ball, Cinderella fantasizes about attending. Cinderella’s Godmother teases her for harboring impossible dreams. Cinderella is miraculously provided with a beautiful gown and a fancy carriage. Warned that this magic will last only until midnight, Cinderella leaves for the ball. At the ball, the Prince invites a mysterious beauty (actually the dressed-up Cinderella) to dance. Portia and Joy glare and jealously criticize the Prince`s choice of women. Cinderella and the Prince marvel that they have fallen in love after knowing each other for only ten minutes. As midnight is about to strike on the second day of the ball, Cinderella flees, leaving only one of her glass slippers behind. For a few days later, courtiers of the Prince were sent to try the slipper. As soon as Cinderella tried the shoe on, to the delight of Cinderella and her Godmother, magic once again provides assistance. She was then conducted to the young prince and a few days later they were married. Cinderella and the Prince are joyously united.

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탑툰 이벤트
Different kind of Cinderella stories in the world
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