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[영작감상문]The Gentleman From Cracow

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


소설을 읽고 난 후의 감상문 (영작입니다)




This story tells us a fantastical legend of the village of Frampol. The village of Frampol follows the Jewish laws and practices differ from other normal village. So they think separating between Jews and Gentiles. One day a gentleman from Cracow comes to the village of Frampol. The villagers are impoverished and suffering from severe drought. On the contrary poverty of the villagers this gentleman has unimaginable property.

Seeing his rich appearance inhabitants of Frampol surely, considered the rich man as their savior and village`s good fortune. I think that they are already dazzled by his riches. I couldn`t see this people in this story as completely religious people. They surely try to keep from doing sin but they tend to act by materialism.

They tend to prefer having money to considering their soul. Originally Jews believe that only Jews can go paradise and if Jews have a sin can`t go there. So they have to keep the law which was given by God. So they have to think that their souls having no sin are important than their physical desire. But they don`t do so in this story. They also marry for money. One of the Jewish customs is a dowry that money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영작감상문]The Gentleman From Cracow
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