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[프레젠테이션]프레젠테이션 영어 대본(hwp)

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4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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내용은 예비군에 관한 내용이구요.
외국인교수님이 손을 봤기때문에 문법상 오류는 거의 없습니다.

만일 자유주재라면, 받아서 학교정보에 대한것만 살짝 손대고 하면 될듯합니다.

빠르게 읽으면 10분 걸리고, 천천히 읽으면 15분정도 걸립니다.


1. About The Reserve Army
2. The Reserve Army Training
3. About The College Reserve Army
4. The College Reserve Army Training
5. Concluding


Since it is reserve army trainingseason, you will see a lot of fellow students in training. Although you might pass by without giving it much thought, you will find out through our research about how interesting the reserve army actually is.

Our nation`s army is divided into two groups. The base army, air force, the naval force and the marines are examples of the type of military service that strong and healthy men are required to serve for 2 years. These men are on active duty in the armed forces. The men who are not on active duty are on the reserve army. In case of war related emergencies, these men can be called into the army and this is why the reserve army is just as important as the men who are serving their active duties at this time.

If you look at the picture, you can see even with 680,000 active forces, it still is not enough to defend the war zone between North and South Korea, but if you include the 3,040,000 of those in the reserve army, the number becomes 4,000,000 armed forces. In order to be prepared for these sudden emergencies, training is needed for reserve army so they can adapt easily to the dangerous conditions of war. So now, we will discuss more in detail about the reserve army training, but before we do, let`s take a look at the table of contents.

참고 자료

Data assistance
Dongguk University
Reserve Army Regiment

Data consultation
M.N.D homepage (www.mnd.go.kr)
M.M.A homepage (www.mma.go.kr)
Yebigun homepage (www.yebigun.or.kr)


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