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[고급영어][영작문] PPL marketing through a movie

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


고급영어-영상예술 과목을 위한 레포트입니다.
주제는 영화 I am Sam을 통한 Product Placement Marketing 입니다.
간단한 영작문 숙제용(5,6page)으로 적합한 자료입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Definition of PPL and its application
3. Negative effects of excessive PPL
4. Implicit advertisement through a movie
5. Conclusion: Achieving win-win PPL strategy


Since invention of a motion picture, a movie became the major entertaining tool in the contemporary human life. As the movie industry has been growing drastically, movie production companies came to need more financial resources for both production and promotion. At the same time, capital wants to get profit through investment in a movie industry. Thus, the movie industry and capital were combined for fulfilling needs of each, which means a movie doesn’t exist as only an entertaining tool, but also as a business tool.
In this situation, some of movie scenes ask us: Why are clones of The Ireland playing X-Box games? Why is Sean Penn of I am Sam working at Starbucks not at McDonald’s in the movie? To answer those questions, it is required to understand Product Placement (PPL) marketing strategy. In this research paper, definition and application of PPL will be presented at first, and then the side effects caused by PPL and the solutions for it will be discussed, especially based on the movie I am Sam.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[고급영어][영작문] PPL marketing through a movie
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