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남부아프리카경제발전론 ) Answer based on Nunns article (Understanding the long-run effects of Africas slave trades) see chapter 2 of

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원4,750원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Answer based on Nunn’s article (Understanding the long-run effects of Africa’s slave trades)—see chapter 2 of the attached book (pages 36-48):
2. How does Southern Africa differ from the rest of Africa when considering the association between weather, colonialism, and economic development? (20 points)
3. What is the difference between the High Commission Territories and Self-governing Colonies? (15 points)
4. Choose whether True or False:
5. Which three Southern African countries had the best economic performance from 1960 to 2020,
based on the historical real GDP trend in the attached Excel file?


a. Between 1400 and 1900, what slave trades occurred in Africa? Did the Southern African region (here considered as countries of the SADC region) participate in any of them? Briefly explain. (7.5 points)
Ans) Between 1400 and 1900, the African continent experienced four major slave trades:
1) Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: This was the largest and began in the fifteenth century, where slaves were shipped from West Africa, West Central Africa, and Eastern Africa to the European colonies in the New World.
2) Trans-Saharan Slave Trade: Slaves were taken from areas south of the Saharan desert and sent to Northern Africa.
3) Red Sea Slave Trade: Slaves were taken from the inland regions of the Red Sea and shipped to the Middle East and India.
4) Indian Ocean Slave Trade: Slaves were taken primarily from Eastern Africa and transported to the Middle East, India, or plantation islands in the Indian Ocean.

참고 자료

Dalton, John T. and Tin Cheuk Leung (2014), “Why is Polygyny More Prevalent in Western Africa? An African Slave Trade Perspective”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 63 599-632.
Teso, Edoardo (2016), The Long-Term Effect of Demographic Shocks on the Evolution of Gender Roles: Evidence from the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Working Paper, Harvard University.
Zhang, Yu and Shahriar Kibriya (2016), The Impact of the Slave Trade on Current Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa, Working paper, Texas A&M University
판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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