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SPSS 통계분석 자료 보고서(영문)

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24페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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"SPSS 통계분석 자료 보고서(영문)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Discussion and Results Analysis
4. Conclusions


Table of Figures
Table 1: Demographics characteristics of participant
Table 2: Behavior characteristics of participants
Table 4: The value of One-Way ANOVA between the advantage of doing sport activities and the perspective of doing sports activities
Table 5: the result of crosstab test between advantages of doing sport activities and the perspective of doing sports activities
Table 6: the result of correlation test between students satisfaction doing sports activities and their advantage of doing sport activities
Table 7: The result of descriptive value in advantage of doing sports activities

Investing the reasons for students to participate in sport activities and how satisfied you are with your sport activity will help people who are not participate sport activity realize the important of exercise.

A survey conducted with 50 people who participate sport activities in randomly method.

참고 자료

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Benefits of Sports for Adolescents (2019). Retrieved: December 8, 2020,
10 Benefits of Sports for Students (17.09.2020). Retrieved: December 8, 2020, https://ihtusa.com/10-benefits-of-sports-for-students/
Don J. and Andrew Mearman (2018), Student Participation in Sporting Activities, pages19.
Katharina Diehl, Anna Katharina Fuchs (2018), student’s Motivation for sport activity and participation in university sports, (page7-11), Hindawi
Steven Allender, Gill Cowburn (2006), understanding participation in sport and physical activity among children and adults: a review of qualitative studies, pages 826-835.
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6 reasons why sports is important in a student's life: JHS (2018). Retrieved December 11, 2020,
Do Youth Sports Own Our Kids? (2018). Retrieved: December 13, 2020,
10 Important Reasons Why Children Should Take Up Sports (November 22, 2019). Retrieved:
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15 Reasons We Need sports in school curriculum (July 24, 2019). Retrieved: December 14, 2020,
6 Benefits of Participating in High School Sports (2018). Retrieved: December 16, 2020,
Importance of Sports In School (March 07, 2020). Retrieved: December 16, 2020,
High School vs. College Sports: Differences in Participation Expectations (2020). Retrieved:
December 16, 2020, https://www.settogo.org/news/high-school-vs-college-sports-differences-inparticipation-expectations/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA5vbBRCRARIsAJBKc6II5xHyB1lm6TGaGyNWyrT_by7iGtLvBL1rJzmHgbPYo6Rnovy3a5caAtruEALw_wcB
How to get school children interested in sport (August 08, 2019). Retrieved: December 16, 2020,
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