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Double layer model에 관하여 (전극 이중층 모델 관련_영문)

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"Double layer model에 관하여 (전극 이중층 모델 관련_영문)"에 대한 내용입니다.


I.What is Electrochemical double layer
II.History of the electrochemical double layer theory
III.Electrochemical Double layer capacitor
IV.Real application of the electrochemical double layer in a research journal


II.History of the electrochemical double layer theory
When a solid surface is immersed in solution, it is easy to think that opposing charge ions are simply arranged parallel in two rows. However, in reality, solvents, ions, and various charged particles arranged in a very complex manner. Therefore, historically, the theory of EDL has undergone a lot of changes.

Helmholtz found that when a charged electrode is immersed in ionic atmosphere solution, then according to the charged condition of the electrode, it attracts the counter ion and repel the co ions. The stored charge is linearly arranged depending on the voltage applied. This arrangement is the first concept of EDL and its form is very simple like in figure 3 (a). Since it was too simplified and early model, there were many parts that were different from the actual EDL. The most important point among the claims by Helmholtz is that the excess charge is arranged in the form of a single layer. So the potential form according to the distance from the electrode shows a straight line shape. And its capacitance is not affected by potential but only by the distance between electrode

참고 자료

Wikipedia contributors. (2021, November 3). Double layer (surface science). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:54, November 18, 2021, from
Tyagi, Ankit & Gupta, Raju. (2015). Carbon Nanostructures from Biomass Waste for Supercapacitor Applications. 10.1201/b19168-11.
Zaki Ahmad, in Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control 3.3, 2006,
Ho, J., Jow, T. R., & Boggs, S. (2010). Historical introduction to capacitor technology. https://doi.org/10.1109/mei.2010.5383924
J.S. Artal, Renewable Energies and P`ower Quaility, Vol. 1, No. 9, May 2011
Dunwell, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 20, June 2018, Pages 151-158
David C. Grahame, Journal of the American Chemical Society 1954 76 (19), 4819-4823
Carbon science, Vol. 1, No. 3 & 4 January 2001 pp. 117-128
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