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[경제문제연구] A Study on India's Growth and Future (경제학과 영어 과제)

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"[경제문제연구] A Study on India's Growth and Future (경제학과 영어 과제)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Positive related to the country
1) Population and demographic structure
2) Differentiation of the industrial structure

3. Negative related to the country
1) Political and religious conflict and uncertainty
2) Lack of social safety net and social overhead capital

4. Problem analysis
1) Decentralization strengthening strategy
2) Peaceful rising Strategy


India is the world's largest democracy. Since China, the world's most populous country, is a socialist country, India is the largest country in the liberal democratic camp. India is a federal state based on a parliamentary democracy system and takes the form of a parliamentary cabinet system. The Federation consists of 29 states and 7 Union Territories. The President and Vie President are elected indirectly by the electoral corps. The Prime Minister becomes the representative of a political party that occupies the majority of the House of Representatives and exercises substantial administrative power. India has 51 central ministries. Even though it is a federal 1state, it operates the central administration by subdividing the role of the central government. India has interests in many countries, including the United States,

참고 자료

외교부, 『인도 개황』, 2018.
KITA. https://bit.ly/3f4yb5Y. (searched date: Nov. 16. 2020).
Nature index. https://go.nature.com/36xb53W. (searched date: Nov. 15. 2020).
WIKIMEDIA COMMONS User:Hbf878. https://bit.ly/2UPzrjP.
(searched date: Nov. 21. 2020).
TOPFOREIGNSTOCKS.COM. https://bit.ly/335qh7E. (searched date: Nov. 22. 2020).
QUARTZ. Aug 14, 2017. “India is unprepared for a near future when it will be the world’s
most populous country.” https://bit.ly/38GeuQF. (searched date: Nov. 15. 2020).
Stratfor. Mar 25, 2016. “Indian Politics Are Becoming More Polarized.” https://bit.ly/3nrmwRG. (searched date: Nov. 17. 2020).
TRASPORT POLITIC. Feb 25, 2010. “Indian Railways Plans $9 billion in Investments for
2010, Advances High-Speed Rail.” https://bit.ly/2IIUbH6. (searched date: Nov. 17. 2020).
VOA. Oct 3, 2020. “인도 코로나 사망자 10만 명 넘어서.” https://bit.ly/3ppzu49. (searched date: Nov. 17. 2020).
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[경제문제연구] A Study on India's Growth and Future (경제학과 영어 과제)
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