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[경제문제연구] A Study on Oil Depletion Problem (경제학과 영어 리포트)

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"[경제문제연구] A Study on Oil Depletion Problem (경제학과 영어 리포트)"에 대한 내용입니다.


Ⅰ. Description of economic situation
Ⅱ. Main causes of economic situation
Ⅲ. Possible strategies
Ⅳ. Other problems of the cause
Ⅴ. Reference


Ⅰ. Description of economic situation
About 40% of the energy we use is oil. Petroleum is being used throughout our lives. Petroleum is used for various purposes such as domestic and industrial fuels, transportation fuels, raw material fuels, and asphalt. Petroleum accounts for about 90% of the world's transport energy. Since the development of petroleum in earnest in the 1870s, the consumption of petroleum has been steadily increasing until now in 2019, generating 53,620TWh of electricity per year. It is the unrivaled number one energy source.
[Figure 1] Global primary energy1
As petroleum is one of the major factors that destroy nature, countries around the world are working hard to reduce the use of petroleum and discover new energy resources to replace petroleum. However, despite these efforts by countries around the world, Thomas Lee, chief economist of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) under the US Department of Energy, said, “Renewable energy is arguably the world's fastest growing energy source. I think fossil fuels will account for more than two-thirds.” Even after 20 years, oil is still expected to be our main energy resource. In addition, he said, “despite the trend of expanding the supply of new and renewable energy, the demand for fossil fuels will continue to increase, accounting for 77% of the world's energy demand by 2040.”2

참고 자료

Kim, Namyeong. 2017. “세계 기후변화 정책은 역행할까?,” 세계와 도시, 에너지기후정책연구소, 17(1).
Our World in Data. https://bit.ly/36tDmd9. (searched date: Oct. 01. 2020).
2015 KOTRA 세계 경제전망. https://bit.ly/36tQS0m. (searched date:Oct. 03. 2020).
IRS Global. https://bit.ly/3ixMbFc, IRS Global. (searched date:Oct. 04. 2020).
한국경제. Dec 12, 2019. “World Proved Oil Reserves Data A Work Of Fiction.” https://bit.ly/2Upliub, (searched date:Oct. 03. 2020).
Ron Patterson. Apr 9, 2020. “World Proved Oil Reserves Data A Work Of Fiction.” https://bit.ly/3jwEdNX. (searched date:Oct. 03. 2020).
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[경제문제연구] A Study on Oil Depletion Problem (경제학과 영어 리포트)
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