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PMV, 부분몰부피 실험레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"PMV, 부분몰부피 실험레포트"에 대한 내용입니다.


Ⅰ Abstract
Ⅱ theory
Ⅲ Equipment
Ⅳ Experimental Procedure
Ⅴ inference
Ⅵ Result Reporting Instruction


Ⅰ Abstract

- Measure the partial molar volume required to accurately predict the volume of solution.
- Compare changing partial molar volume depending on the shape, size, polarity of molecules.

< 중 략 >

ⅱ Operation order of DMA 4100
1. Turn on the power switch. DMA 4100 progresses self-test, wait until "valid" to appear at the window that measure.
2. Check the temperature is 25℃. If the temperature is different, click the "Menu" button, select "option" and use the up/down key to change the temperature. After modification, click "escape" and save.
3. Since the equipment has only air, the measured density value is the density of air(0.0011~0.0012g/mL). If the measured value is larger than air density, wash with distilled water and dry with air.
4. Fill the disposable syringe with at least 2mL of distilled water(with no air droplets), and remove the tube from the injection port(not connected to waste) on the right side of the equipment. Inject distilled water until liquid(~1.5mL) come out at wast line.

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