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Classification Essay (About actors)

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In terms of entertainment, perhaps no modern invention has changed human life more than motion pictures. While the world’s first motion-picture was created in 1888, the first feature length film was not made until 1906 (“What was the First…”; “First Feature Film”). Since then, the film industry has grown more than anyone could have ever predicted; in 2017, the film industry in the United States alone topped $43.4 billion in total sales (Robb, “U.S. Film Industry Topped…”). In an industry that large and well-funded, it is only natural that certain people would become bigger celebrities than others.

참고 자료

“All Leonardo DiCaprio Movies Ranked.” Rotten Tomatoes, editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/all-leonardo-dicaprio-movies-ranked-by-tomatometer/.
“Brad Pitt Biography.” Biography, 10 Feb. 2020, www.biography.com/actor/brad-pitt.
“Brad Pitt.” The Numbers, www.the-numbers.com/person/730401-Brad-Pitt#tab=acting.
Chaillet, Jean Paul, and Juliette Michaud. “Seven (And a Half) Decades of Golden Globes: Part 6: The 90s.” Golden Globe Awards, 10 Dec. 2017, www.goldenglobes.com/articles/seven-and-half-decades-golden-globes-part-6-90s.
“Emma Watson Biography.” Biography, 26 Dec. 2019, www.biography.com/actor/emma-watson.
“Emma Watson: Gender Equality Is Your Issue Too.” UN Women, 20 Sept. 2014, www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2014/9/emma-watson-gender-equality-is-your-issue-too.
“First Feature Film.” Guinness World Records, www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/first-feature-film/.
Goldberg, MATT. “Saturn Award Nominations Announced; HUGO and HARRY POTTER Lead with 10 Nominations Each.” Collider, 29 Feb. 2012, collider.com/saturn-award-nominations-2012/.
Goldenberg, Suzanne. “How Leonardo DiCaprio Became One of the World's Top Climate Change Champions.” The Guardian, 29 Feb. 2016, www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/feb/29/how-leonardo-dicaprio-oscar-climate-change-campaigner.
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.” Box Office Mojo, www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt1201607/?ref_=bo_se_r_1.
Holson, Laura. “Brad’s War.” Vanity Fair, 9 May 2013, www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2013/06/brad-pitt-world-war-z-drama.
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Kang, Byung-Jin. “레오나르도 디카프리오의 UN 기후변화 정상회담 연설: ‘새로운 역사를 만들든지, 아니면 비난을 받든지...'(전문).” [“Leonardo DiCaprio's speech at the UN Climate Change Summit: 'Make a new history, or be criticized...' (full text).”]. Huffing Post Korea, 24 Sept. 2014, www.huffingtonpost.kr/2014/09/24/story_n_5871458.html.
Lemire, Christy. “World War Z.” Christylemire, 21 June 2013, christylemire.com/world-war-z/.
“Leonardo DiCaprio.” World Wildlife Fund, www.worldwildlife.org/leaders/leonardo-dicaprio.
“Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies: General Informational 2.” LACES, 2012, www.lacesmagnetschool.org/ourpages/class2012/info.html.
Mathews, Jack. “‘Titanic’: Newsday's 1997 Review.” Newsday, 26 Dec. 2017, www.newsday.com/entertainment/movies/original-titanic-review-1.15610560.
McCluskey, Megan. “Here's How to Join Emma Watson's Feminist Book Club.” TIME, 8 Jan. 2016, time.com/4172664/join-emma-watsons-feminist-book-club/.
Robb, David. “U.S. Film Industry Topped $43 Billion In Revenue Last Year, Study Finds, But It’s Not All Good News.” Deadline, 13 July 2018, deadline.com/2018/07/film-industry-revenue-2017-ibisworld-report-gloomy-box-office-1202425692/.
Romeneskochool, Jim. “Why Brad Pitt Dropped Out of Missouri Journalism.” Poynter, 23 Sept. 2011, www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2011/why-brad-pitt-dropped-out-of-missouri-journalism-school/.
Shin, Du-Young. “브래드 피트, 모든 관습에 맞서는 남자.” [“Brad Pitt, the man who stands up to all convention.”]. Cine 21, 14 Nov. 2011, www.cine21.com/news/view/?mag_id=68063.
Slavicek, Louise Chipley. Leonardo DiCaprio. Chelsea House, 2012.
“Top Lifetime Grosses.” Box Office Mojo, 25 Mar. 2021, www.boxofficemojo.com/chart/top_lifetime_gross/?area=XWW.
“What Was the First Movie Ever Made?” Heads Up Boys' Life, headsup.scoutlife.org/what-was-the-first-movie-ever-made/.
“What's Eating Leonardo DiCaprio?” TIME, 14 Feb. 2000, content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2055068,00.html.
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