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(영문) 나쁜여자, 이상한 여자, 그리고 죽이는 여자-한국 영화에서의 여성 등장인물의 변화와 비한국적인 요소들/Bad Women, Strange Women and Killing Women-How female character changed in Korean film and the aspect of less Korean-ness

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 25,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"(영문에세이) 나쁜여자, 이상한 여자, 그리고 죽이는 여자-한국 영화에서의 여성 등장인물의 변화와 비한국적인 요소들/Bad Women, Strange Women and Killing Women-How female character changed in Korean film and the aspect of less Korean-ness"에 대한 내용입니다. 지도 교수님께서 많은 칭찬과 피드백을 해주시고 A+ 좋은 점수를 주셨던 에세이입니다.


1. Introduction
2. 1970s Film, Heavenly Homecoming to stars (1974, dir. Lee Chang-ho)
3. 2000s Film, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance: Bad woman, Strange woman, Killing woman (dir. Park Chan-wook, 2005)
4. Conclusion


Film is the mirror that reflects the society. Reality is directly reflected in the film, and the film shows to the audience with dramatic factor. So it’s like we are living in this reality with the film. The director also is the person who lives this reality, he resolves the story of film using the stories around us. Through this process we realize that the film is the society’s cultural product and the recreationed-complex reproduced by the audience’s action and reaction.
This thesis will show how Korean society get the image of women and the reality by comparing two mirrors that reflects each society.
The concept of “feminism” emerged during 1960-70s western women’s movement in Korean society. Korean women’s movement occurred by the women who got new education with selfidentity, organizing women’s organization.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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탑툰 이벤트
(영문) 나쁜여자, 이상한 여자, 그리고 죽이는 여자-한국 영화에서의 여성 등장인물의 변화와 비한국적인 요소들/Bad Women, Strange Women and Killing Women-How female character changed in Korean film and the aspect of less Korean-ness
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