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연세대 전기전자공학부 20-1학기 기초아날로그실험 3주차 예비레포트

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연세대 전기전자공학부 20년도 1학기 기초아날로그실험 3주차 예비레포트 입니다.
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Ⅰ. Chapter 5
1-1Operational Amplifier
1-2Datasheet – μa741
1-3Op-amp circuits

2.PSPICE simulation
2-1 Experiment 1
2-2 Experiment 2
2-3 Experiment 3
2-4 Experiment 4
2-5 Experiment 5
2-6 Experiment 6
2-7 Experiment 7
2-8 Experiment 8

Ⅱ. Chapter 6
1-1Temperature sensor
1-2Touch sensor
1-3Force sensor
1-4Arduino board

2.PSPICE simulation
2-1 Temperature sensor simulation
2-2 Touch sensor (Charge AMP) simulation


In this chapter, our goal is to understand the concept of an op-amp and its circuits, such as inverting amplifier, noninverting amplifier, adder, subtractor, differentiator, and integrator. Then, we will design the op-amp circuits and circuits with Wheatstone Bridge using PSPICE simulation.

Operational Amplifier
An op-amp is supposed to sense the difference between the voltage signals applied at its tow differential inputs, v_p-v_n. By multiplying v_p-v_n by a number A_v(open-loop voltage gain), A_v (v_p-v_n) is appeared at the output terminal. The real op-amp has a very large gain, A_v, but not infinite.
v_o=A_v (v_p-v_n )=A_v v_id
The differential transfer characteristic v_0 versus v_p-v_n of the basic op-amp and diagram are shown in [Figure 1-1], [Figure 1-2], respectively. In the linear region, v_o=A_v (v_p-v_n ). For positive saturation region, v_0=V_CC for A_v v_id>V_CC. For negative saturation region, v_0=〖-V〗_CC for A_v v_id<-V_CC.

[Figure 1-1] Differential transfer characteristic and diagram

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