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A++가산점 받은 마케팅의 이해, 화장품 회사 비교분석, 경영학과, 글로벌경영학과, SWOT 분석, STP 전략, 타사 비교분석 레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"A++가산점 받은 마케팅의 이해, 화장품 회사 비교분석, 경영학과, 글로벌경영학과, SWOT 분석, STP 전략, 타사 비교분석 레포트"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Summary
II. Situational Analysis
IV. 4P mix
V. Proposal
VI. References


LG Household & Health Care’s “SU:M37” and Amore Pacific’s “Sulwhasoo” is the competing brand in home and abroad market, especially in China. This two brands’ strategies effect strongly in the market and it directly causes its sales and profits to change. To change the marketing strategy to its best stand, they should analysis their current situation deeply.
Both brands’ situation seems to be very similar in the SWOT analysis. As the demands for luxury cosmetics rises worldwide, they show their strength in abroad markets such as in China, Japan and Hongkong. They are both struggling by the growing US, Europe cosmetics markets but still shows positive rate of their growth in business. Their opportunity is the growing demands for their products and lastly, threats are the Corona virus which makes hard time for duty-free channels.
SU:M and Sulwhasoo are both targeting home and abroad market. These days, they are putting more effort to persuade Chinese customers.

참고 자료

“LG 생활건강”, 숨37, http://www.lghnh.com/brand/detail.jsp?gbn=1&bid1=C065, 2020.06.28
“LG 생활건강”, IR 정보, http://www.lghnh.com/ir/finance.jsp, 2020.06.28
“아모레퍼시픽”, IR 정보, https://www.apgroup.com/int/ko/investors/amorepacific-corporation/ir-reports/ir-reports.html, 2020.06.28
“한국 경제”, 경제, https://www.hankyung.com/economy/article/201908015770g, 2019.08.01, 2020.06.28
“The PR News”, 발효브랜드 숨37, 37명의 소원성취 이벤트 진행, http://www.the-pr.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1119, 2010.10.04, 2020.06.28
“여성 조선”, 아모레 안젤라베이비 ‘설화수’ 누른 LG생활건강 이영애 ‘후’, 2020년에도 웃을 수 있을까?, https://woman.chosun.com/mobile/news/view.asp?cate=C01&mcate=M1001&nNewsNumb=20191263220, 2019.12.31, 2020,06,28
“머니투데이”, "나자의 금색병 주세요" 주링허우 세대 홀린 화장품 '숨', https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2019071816142755190, 2019.07.22, 2020.06.28
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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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A++가산점 받은 마케팅의 이해, 화장품 회사 비교분석, 경영학과, 글로벌경영학과, SWOT 분석, STP 전략, 타사 비교분석 레포트
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