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데카메론 영어작문 줄거리 (The Decameron, English Summary)

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조반니 보카치오
(Giovanni Boccaccio)
1313 - 1375년 이탈리아 소설가/시인
초기 르네상스 대표하는 문학자!

(Decameron, 1348-1353)
10일이란 뜻을 가지고 있다.
흑사병을 피한 3인의 신사와 7인의 숙녀가 교대로, 이들 10인이 매일 이야기를 한 가지씩 하는 형식을 가지고 있다.

고금의 전설·고전, 중세의 문학 및 이탈리아·프랑스 라틴계의 문학, 그리고 작자 자신의 경험이 토대가 되어 창작적 도가니 속에서 용해 융합되어 새로운 생명으로 갱생을 보았다.

성직자도, 신분 높은 사람도 욕망·우둔·호색 따위에 있어서는 다름이 없다는 것을 예리하게 풍자하여 인간의 본성을 훈훈하게 긍정한 것이다.


1. The Seven Beautiful Maidens
2. Cymon and Iphigenia: A Tale of Love
3. Gisippus and Titus: A Tale of Friendship
4. The Three Rings: A Tale of Ingenuity
5. Griselda: A Tale of Wifely Patience


The Decameron

The Seven Beautiful Maidens
In the year of our Lord 1348 a terrible plague broke out in Florence, which, from being the finest city in Italy, became the most desolate. It was a strange malady that no drugs could cure; and it was communicated, not merely by conversing with those strickened by the pestilence, but even by touching their clothes, or anything they had worn. As soon as the purple spots, which were the sign of the disease, appeared on the body, death was certain to ensue within three days.

So great were the terror and disorder and distress, that all laws, human and divine, were disregarded. Everybody in Florence did just as he pleased. The wilder sort broke into the houses of rich persons, and gave themselves over to riotous living, exclaiming that, since it was impossible to avoid dying from the plague, they would at least die merrily.
Others shut themselves up from the rest of the world, and lived on spare diet, and many thousands fled from their houses into the open country, leaving behind them all their goods and wealth, and all their relatives and friends.

참고 자료

The World's Greatest Books, Vol. I
by Various,
Edited by Arthur Mee and J. A. Hammerton
Date:15, 2003 [eBook]
Language: English
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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