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항공기영어 날개골의 특징

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최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"항공기영어 날개골의 특징"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. 서론

2. Airfoils
1) Four digit wing
2) Five digit wing
3) Six digit wing

3. Forces

4. 결론

5. 참고문헌


In order to build a modern aircraft to fly a great distance effectively to fulfill people’s demands, aircraft engineers must consider various things such as aircraft’s wing airfoils and forces acting on aircrafts. There are many types of airfoils that can be applied for different right situations for specific purpose. Also, there are four major forces such as thrust, drag, lift, and weight acting on an aircraft. By showing each types of airfoils, I will indicate what are the meanings of the numbers and in what cases the airfoils are being used. Moreover, I will show what are the concepts of the four primary forces acting on an aircraft.

The types of the airfoils are various. The most basic kind of an airfoil is NACA four digit wing series. NACA four digit wing series’ striking feature is that the location of the maximum camber is 40 percent behind of the chord line. By using NACA 2 4 15, let me show you how to read and understand the information that this wing has.

참고 자료

정진화, 김영수, 김봉수, 손일원, 추연희 공저, Michael. Johnson 감수, AVIATION TECHNICAL ENGLISH, 오토테크(2016. 08. 20), p 3 ~ 15
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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