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MICE 산업의 혁신적 기술에 대한 원어 레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


교수님께서 수업 시간에 직접 언급도 해주시고,
점수도 만점 받았던 레포트입니다.

MICE 산업에 관련된 혁신적 기술로 RFID와 VR을 선택해 작성했습니다.


1. RFID (Radio Frequncy identification)
2. Virtual Reality



RFID is one of the most popular emerging technologies in recent days. RFID is usually used in ‘movement system’ such as logistics or transportation. some dedicatied machines can recognize radio signals from small chips and call up information of the objects directly or make wireless payments. Small chips are RFID tags and are called EZpass, smartpass, etc.
Using RFID system can eliminate the hassle of people having to sort out or deal with datas directly , and wovercome some time limitations.

참고 자료

George G. Fenich (2016) - Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions : An Introduction to the Industry, England, PEARSON Education Limited, chapter 12 “Technology and the Meeting Professional”
Why the hospitality sector needs RFID posted on nordicid
Why Hospitality Management Pros Love RFID posted on academy of learning career college
Unique Ways to Incorporate RFID at Events posted on smart meetings
What Is RFID, and Why Should Event Creators Care? posted on eventbrite
Privacy concerns grow with the use of RFID tags written by Alejandro Martínez-Cabrera, Chronicle Staff Writer
An Intro to VR in the Meeting & Events Industry posted on meeting tomorrow
How Virtual Reality will transform Meetings written by Matt Alderton, Successful meetings
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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