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Consumer Behavior 영어 리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Consumer Behavior(소비자 행동론) 중 Public Policy, Emotions, Consumer Perception, Word of Mouth Marketing 네가지 주제로 실제 미국의 기업에서 어떻게 적용하고 있는 지에 대해 case study로 APA형태로 작성한 리포트입니다.


1. Cover page (표지)
2. Public Policy
3. Emotions
4. Consumer Perception
5. Word of Mouth Marketing
6. References


First, the public policy is a complex system of “laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated” (Norwich University 2014).
The government is necessary because the market is not always successful in distributing goods and services.
So, the public policy has efforts, by competing interest groups (usually the marketers), to influence policy makers in their favor.
In the food industry, the rising consumption of sugar in the USA was a severe problem through the latter half of the 20th century. Sugar-sweetened beverages or SSBs, are a major contributor to this problem.
To address this, in November 2014, Berkeley, California passed a targeted tax on soda.
The policy is known as a “sugar tax”. However, this policy is still controversial. “Berkeley is the first American city to pass such a tax, the health effects of the policy are only theoretical.
Studies using mathematical models show that soda taxes are likely to have small but measurable effects on public health” (Margot, 2016).

참고 자료

Aurelie K, Elyette R, and Jean-Louis C. (Feb 01, 2015). “Consumer–Brand Relationships: A Contrast of Nostalgic and Non-Nostalgic Brands”. Psychology & Marketing.
Ashley R. (July 25, 2016). “Nostalgic Packaging Kicks Up Perceived Authenticity”. NAPCO Media.
Deborah H. (Apr 26, 2016). “Is Social Media Marketing Word of Mouth Marketing?” The Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).
Harith, Z. Ting, C and Zakaria, N. (June 24, 2013). “Coffee Packaging: Consumer Perception on Appearance, Branding, and Pricing”. International Food Research Journal. 2014. Retrieve from http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my/21%20(03)%202014/2%20IFRJ%2021%20(03)%202014%20Harith%20345.pdf
Jean A. Welsh, Elizabeth A. Lundeen, and Aryeh D. Stein (May 8, 2015). “The sugar-sweetened beverage wars: public health and the role of the beverage industry”. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4425304/
Katherine D. (May, 2015). “The Impact of Social Media Marketing Campaigns on Consumer Perceptions of the Food Animal Industry.” The Ohio State University.
Margaret, B. Charles, C. Janice, B and Hakseon, K. (2008). “Consumer Perception of Take-out Food: Safe Handling Practices and Desired Package Attributes”. N.A.
Margot S.K. (Aug 25, 2016). “More Evidence That Soda Taxes Cut Soda Drinking”. The Upshot.
Nikki G. (Aug 18, 2017). “Five Examples of Brands That Succeed With Word-of-Mouth Marketing” Econsultancy.
N.A. (Nov 24, 2014). "Characteristics of Successful Public Policy". Norwich University Public Administration.
Robert E, Jenni R, Rahul C, and Mark U. (May 1, 2017). “The Impact of Word of Mouth on Intention to Purchase Currently Used and Other Brands.” International Journal of Market Research Vol. 59 Issue 3.
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