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Interview with an Older Adult, 노인 인터뷰

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


0.Interview with an Older Adult
1. What kinds of things were you doing when you were my age (e.g., school, work, family)? What are the greatest differences between your generation and today’s youth?
2. What major event(s) in your early life influenced you? In what ways?
3. How does your life at the present time differ from those of your parents or grandparents at this same point in their life?
4. What do you think about getting older? What are some of the positive and negative aspects of living as long as you have? Overall, what is your philosophy or approach to aging?
5. What sort of sensory changes have you experienced (e.g., vision, hearing)? How have you adapted to those changes? What advice do you have for others with similar sensory changes?
6. What people are important parts of you social network (e.g., friends, family, and neighbors)? What kinds of interactions do you have with these people? Describe the importance of your social network. How satisfied are you with these relationships?
7. Imagine your life 15 years or so from now, when you might need assistance from others with things like preparing meals or transportation to appointments. How will you manage those things? What sort of supportive living arrangements might you consider? Do you have any plans to move to a more supportive environment?
8. What experiences have you had with health care professionals? What kinds of problems or concerns you encountered? What are the kinds of things that have made these encounters more satisfying? What advice do you have for nursing students who might be caring for older adults?
9. What is energizer for your life these days? Do you think it affects your life a lot?
10. Your health status is quite high compared to the others of your age. What is your specific method or strategy of keeping your body healthy?
11. Conclusion


This interview is conducted to get older adult’s thought about various topic and compare his/her answer with what I expected him/her to answer. Through this interview, I expect to understand older person more deeply and correct some misconceptions about older person. The person I interviewed is my maternal grandmother. Her name is 정○○. She is 84 years old and lives alone. Her husband passed away about 15 years ago and her son and two daughters are living near from her. Her economic source is allowance from her children. She is devout Christian and therefore, her social relationship mostly rises in the church. The interview was conducted at her house and my mom accompanied me to help interview.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Interview with an Older Adult, 노인 인터뷰
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