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Electronic Devices Floyd 7th Ch9

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8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1.Section 9-1 Class A Power Amplifiers
2.Section 9-2 Class B and Class AB Push-Pull Amplifiers
3.Section 9-3 Class C Amplifiers
4.Section 9-4 Troubleshooting
5.System Application Problems
6.Data Sheet Problems
7.Advanced Problems
8.Multisim Troubleshooting Problems


2. (a) If RL is removed, there is no collector current; hence, the power dissipated in the
transistor is zero.
(b) Power is dissipated only in the bias resistors plus a small amount in REl and RE2. Since
the load resistor has been removed, the base voltage is altered. The base voltage can be found from the Thevenin equivalent drawn for the bias circuit in Figure 9-1.

<중 략>

The solutions showing instrument connections for Problems 35 through 39 are available in the
Solutions folder for Chapter 9 on the CD-ROM provided with the textbook. The solutions may be
accessed using the password EDFLOYD. The faults in the circuit files may be accessed using the
password book (all lowercase).
35. C,, open
36. RE2 open
37. Q, collector-emitter open
38. D2 shorted
39. Q2 drain-source open

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판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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