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[미국역사] 미국의 산업혁명이 인디언에게 미친 영향(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




It is very important to see what happened to the Great Plains Indians during the American Industrial Revolution. It didn’t happen by circumstance that all of a sudden there are no Great Plains Indians left on the terrain in the late 19th century. They have been displaced. In fact, we should take a look at the patterns of loss that Great Plains Indians went through due to some historical factors which they had no control over. Historical factors like conceptualization of transcontinental railroad, urbanization and technology all added up linked together that impacted upon the Native Americans that doomed their fate.
President Thomas Jefferson had initiated the so called Lewis and Clark expedition in 1801. Lewis and Clark in their journals wrote about the land that they had come over in the Great Plains. But what they said about this area was less than a flattery. There was said to be very little rain, very little trees and no support for raising. In 1840s the great trails led out of mid-west, but they didn’t stop in the Great American Desert. There were designed to go much further west. During this period the Great Plains Indians still held the mystique of being untouchable, unlivable and consequently there wasn’t any need or even a desire for having so called Indian policy out there.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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