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임용고시 서답형 대비 Teacher`s Grammar Chapter 16,18 정리 및 문제

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최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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새롭게 바뀐 임용고시 대비 Teacher`s grammar 요약 정리 및 간단한 문제 입니다.
스터디 하면서 작성한 것이고 책과 함께 보시면 공부하시기 편하도록 작성하였습니다.
TG에서 부족한 내용은 다른책을 참고하여 보충하려고 노력하였고 중요한 내용은 모두 담기위해 노력했습니다.
Chapter 16,18에 해당하는 내용이고, 다른 챕터가 필요하시면 저의 다른 자료를 확인해주시면 감사하겠습니다.


1. Chapter 16. Tense and Aspect
2. Chapter 18 Relative Clauses


Chapter16. Tense and Aspect
1. Tense: Tense in verbs expresses the time that an action occurs in relation to the moment of speaking. It has three dimensions - present, past, and future. However, of the three times, only two are expressed English by inflections on the verb - present and past.
2. Aspect: Aspect expresses how the speaker views the action of the verb. In English, two aspects are expressed through auxiliary verbs and the form of main verbs: a progressive, or continuous, aspect represent ongoing action, and a perfect aspect represents action that is complete.
Lexical Aspect

<중 략>

▶ Intonation: Nonrestrictive relative clauses are marked by pauses and by a faling intonation pattern at the end of the clause.
▶ Modification of proper nouns: Nonrestrictive relative clauses can modify proper nouns.
Ex) John, who is a lawyer, was not impressed by Professor Fish`s arguments.
*John who is a lawyer was not impressed by Professor Fish`s arguments.
(OK The boy ho is a lawyer was not impressed by Professor Fish`s arguments.)
▶ Modification of any, every, no, etc.: Nonrestrictive relative clauses may not modify any, every, or no+noun, or indefinite pronouns (anyone, everyone)
Ex) *Any man, who goes back on his word, is no friend of mine.
Any man who goes back on his word is no friend of mine.
▶ That as relative pronoun: Nonrestrictive relative clauses may not be introduced by that.
Ex) *The plan, that we discussed yesterday, will be adopted.
The plan that we discussed yesterday will be adopted.

참고 자료



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