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Understanding Culture - Symbolic meaning of Color (문화의 이해 - 색의 상징적 의미)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


문화인류학 <문화의 이해> 관련 레포트입니다.

주제는 색깔이 가지고 있는 상징적 의미이며 영어로 작성되어져있습니다. 원어 강의를 들으시는 분들께 유용하게

사용될 것으로 보입니다. 우선 색깔이 가지고 있는 상징적 의미를 개괄적으로 서술하고 색의 상징성과 관련된 여러

가지 사회적 현상 중 컬러 마케팅 (Color marketing)을 대표 사례로 꼽아 조사하였습니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction : What is color symbol?

Ⅱ. main subject
1. typical symbol of color
2. Effectiveness of Color symbol - color marketing
1) What is Color marketing?
2) Origin of color marketing
3) Necessity of Color marketing
4) Application Examples of Color marketing
(1) RED
(2) PINK
(3) BLUE

Ⅲ. conclusion


This essay, we will discuss effectiveness of color symbol by using concept and examples of color marketing

1) What is Color marketing?

In our culture, Company and Politic Party is the best user of color symbol. They use specific colors as their own symbol so people can memorize their existence with their symbolic color. This method has enormous promote effect. This method is called `color marketing`

Nowadays, Emotional Marketing using color symbol which is recognized by our unconsciousness is dominating current market. Color marketing is the one kind of this Emotional Market. Color Marketing is the method of using color to stimulate consumers` purchasing desire and promote companys` goods.

At first, this marketing method was used to care patients in hospitals or relieve prisoners in jail utilizing color psychology. But recently the fact that the color is the most important variable when consumers choosing good become known so many companies start to use color as strategy to imprint their brand image on consumers` brain. Industrial technology became generalized so development of technology to produce goods became less important variables when choosing goods. Consumers started to want better design and nice color. The sensitivity which colors have make consumers feel impulse of buy and this is followed by increase of sales amount.

참고 자료

Abraham Rosman, Paula G, Rubel, and Maxine Weisgrau 『The Tapestry of culture - An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology』Ninth Edition, Altamira Press, A Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 82P ~98P
Mark Schaeffer <Using Symbols> 2008.
OCCULT VIEW <Color symbolism> 2009.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Understanding Culture - Symbolic meaning of Color (문화의 이해 - 색의 상징적 의미)
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