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오바마 취임사 요약 (President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address)

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President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address
In President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, he addresses three important policies on Jan. 29, 2009; his speech is about being faced with dangerous economy of America, the plan of security and the diplomacy for national security, and the new pledge for the future. According to his speech, America faces up to badly economy; business has been shut down, labors have been got fired, and families have been lost their houses. These statistics show us that we are on an inevitable crisis of economy, and these are more serious than we are thinking. However, we can overcome this serious crisis because we are the powerful nation of the earth, and we should remember that what our ancestors had done; they fought and struggled against fearful odds for us.

참고 자료

Barack Obama. “President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address” abcnews.go.com.
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Inauguration/story?id=6689022&page=1, 23 Apr. 2009, Web. 20 Jan. 2009.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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오바마 취임사 요약 (President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address)
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