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Effect of storm in Colombia on Arabica coffee price

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Effect of storm in Colombia on Arabica coffee price 에 대한 경제적 분석에 대한 경제학원론 레포트 입니다.
마지막에 기사 첨부했어요.


1. Essence of the story : Effect of storm in Colombia on Arabica coffee price
2. Economic Analysis
3. Question 1 : There are coffee and water. Which good do you think more elastic in demand? Explain Why.
4. Answer 1
5. Question 2 : Colombia exports Arabica beans to South Korea and imports computers from South Korea. Explain how this trade works.
6. Answer 2
7. 신문기사 : Coffee Prices Soaring as Supply Can’t Keep Up With Demand / By Caroline Dobson , Epoch Times
May 30, 2011


<Essence of the story>
-Recent storms in Colombia, the world`s second largest producer of mild Arabica coffee, affected supplies of Arabica coffee to decrease.

-International Coffee Organization (IOC) says that global coffee consumption rose 2.4percents and forecasts the upward trend to perpetuate irrespective of the high prices.

-Arabica coffee prices recently reached new highs.

-Denis Seudieu, ICO chief economist, says that demand of Arabica coffee is still very dynamic despite high prices of coffee due to supply constraints.

-Starbucks, Smuckers, maker of Folgers and Dunkin Donuts coffee announced that they will raise the price.

-Luis Munoz, Colombian National Coffee Growers Federation’s Chief Executive Officer, says that consumers realize that they have to pay a bit more for those little enjoyments.

-Arabica coffee is predominantly grown in Latin America and has the high specialty.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Effect of storm in Colombia on Arabica coffee price
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