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Does King Lear deserve to get sympathy or not.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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셰익스피어 과목 기말고사 제출파일 입니다.


1. Introduction…………………………………………………………2
1.1 Summary of the King Lear and Argument ………………………….2

2.Flaws of Lear as a King …………………………………………….3
2.1 The lack of wisdom and judgment as a king (compare with King Henry V)..3

2.2 Lack of qualification as a King and Compare with Henry V…………4
2.2.1 Leader set the example himself……………………………….4
2.2.2 Reaction of king, the leader, about criticism…………………5

2.3 The connection between age and an act of sheer folly as a man of power…5

3.Flaws of King Lear as a human …………………………………….6
3.1 Dependence disposition ………………………………………………6
3.2 Too emotional, Not rational ………………………………………….7

4 Justification of Goneril and Regan………………………………..7
4.1 Goneril and Regan’s justification of sweet talk………………………8
4.2 Goneril and Regan’s justification of rejecting…………………..……8

5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………9
6. Work cited…………………………………………………………….10


King Lear is considered one of four great tragedies by Shakespeare. And it makes into film in many versions. It means that people consider this movie as a classic and great piece of work. But, unlike other normal kings, he doesn’t have aspect of wise king and leader. What is a leader? The leader is a man who walks in the dim future. And that dim future depends on his choice and action. It can bring many suffer and at the same time it bring many benefits.

<중 략>

2.2.2 Reaction of king, the leader, about criticism
Most of people of high standing usually don’t have a chance to be criticized. So, they are not accustomed to it like King Lear. But, true leader is men who listen to the suggestions of his subordinate and accept criticism. It could help them to make right decision. In Act 1 Scene 1, Kent who is dutiful subject advised him to cancel the decision that transfer his wealth and power to two older daughters except Codelia.. But he didn’t take it.

<중 략>

His personality was too emotional and dependent. So, although he was born novel, he became a tragic person, and he made it himself. It is also true that he suffered a series of misfortunes. But many people are also getting into trouble in many times, and the majority of people get it over themselves.

참고 자료

Shakespeare. 『No Fear Shakespeare: Henry V』. Spark Publishing, New York. 2004
Shakespeare. 『No Fear Shakespeare: King Lear. 』Spark Publishing, New York.
Peter G. Northouse. 『Leadership.』 Kyoung-mun Publishing. 13 October, 2010
Yoo-Phil Hwa. 『역사에서 리더를 만나다』, He-reum Publishing, Seoul, 4 April, 2010
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Does King Lear deserve to get sympathy or not.
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