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아마데우스(Amadeus) 영화 리뷰 영어버전입니다. Amadeus movie review <Milos Forman>

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최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


아마데우스 영화 (밀로스포먼) 리뷰입니다.

Amadeus movie review English version




Who is genius? Mozart? Salieri?
My prejudice and thought about movie have changed a lot thanks for this class. I enjoy movie often but didn’t consider movie is superior than written text. This work also influence on me to realize that movie can have literal value enough. Amadeus served me to solidify this thought. Overall story is not that different with written text’s one. The story is about Salieri who feels jealous of Mozart and disturbs his success and let him to be dead eventually.
I’m not saying that Amadeus movie is better than its written text. The reasons why I’m saying that written text is exquisite and excellent are as follows. First of all, I like the creativity of this movie. The story unfolds in the form of Salieri’s flashback in movie while the story in play unfolds in dialogue between two servants and monologue of Salieri. I think each work overcomes its constraints of space and time and chooses effective manner of developing story.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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아마데우스(Amadeus) 영화 리뷰 영어버전입니다. Amadeus movie review &lt;Milos Forman&gt;
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