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[영국문화] 영국음식문화, The culture of British cusine

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최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영국의 음식문화에 관한 레포트구요, 여러가지 사진도 첨부되어있습니다.


(1) British cuisine
(2) History of British food
(3) Traditional cuisine
(4) Modern Fare
(5) Refutation abroad
(6) Regional Specialties
(7) Pies, Puddings, Buns and Cakes


(1) British cuisine
British cuisine is shaped partly by the country`s temperate climate and its island geography; and partly by its history; first through interactions with other European countries, and then through the import of ingredients and ideas from places such as North America, China and India that were gathered during the time of the British Empire.
As such, traditional foods with ancient origins, such as bread and cheese, roasted and stewed meats, meat and game pies, and freshwater and saltwater fish, are now matched in popularity by potatoes, tomatoes and chilies from the Americas, spices and curries from India and Bangladesh, and stir-fries based on Chinese and Thai cooking. French cuisine and Italian cuisine, once considered alien, are also now admired and copied.

<중 략>

is a traditional English dessert, popular from the 16th to the 19th century. It is usually made from rich milk or cream seasoned with sugar and lightly curdled with wine.
(7) Pies, Puddings, Buns and Cakes
Pies and puddings are related phenomena in British culinary history. Originally, both solved the problem of preparing dinners made with less expensive meats. Pies covered a stew or other ingredients with a crust; puddings were made from butcher`s scraps tucked into a sheep`s stomach, then steamed or boiled. Pies have remained pies, although, in addition to savory pies, there now exist sweet variations, which tend to have two crusts or a bottom crust only.

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[영국문화] 영국음식문화, The culture of British cusine
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