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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


직접 쓴 영작문 입니다. 직업,일상, 스마트 폰에 대한 주제로 총 3가지 영작문 입니다.




These day, most student are interest in their jobs. People want to get a job what we called civil servant because these day most works doesn’t guarantee that their retire age. And public official has lots of advantage on their lifes. Even though, the student want to work what they like, they choose this job. So I choose my sister who pass the entrance exam and she will be give some information about the exam to you. I hope you get a some information to help your study.

Before ask the question, we should know about her so I ask some question about her. I ask “ How old are you and where are you live in now” She told me “ I’m 32 years old and I live in Pyeong- Taek in Korea” She pass the entrance exam a few years ago, she work now in Pyenog-Taek prison. I ask “Why did you decided to do work there” She told me “ I graduate Department of Law in University so I want to work this area, it was great chance adapt to my learning”

<중 략>

Second, smart phone use special program called Application and smart phone user can get this Application free or cost on their smart phone. Especially, I-phon has many Application and provide these Application only their smart phone. And, Apple examine these Application before Up-load their market place. So, Apple`s Application has best-quality Application.
But, Android phone has less Application than Apple`s Application. Android Application doesn`t examine these Application before Up-load their market place. So, Android phone has non best-quality Application. But, people can easily Application by using their computer. In this way, people can get cost Application on free. This method is illegality but people doesn`t stop this method. If Android Application market place want to be grow up, they should find the way to stop this illegal method.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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