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Thick film process의 기본 지침서!

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13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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제가 후막공정에 대해 전혀 모를때 공부하여 최소한의 기초지식을 모아 논 것입니다.
후막 공정에 이해도가 빨라지는것을 느낄수 있을것입니다.


1. Purpose of the experiment
2. Theoretical Background
3. Experimental methods
4. Laboratory equipment
5. The experimental results
6. discussion
7. Conclusion
8. References


1. Purpose of the experiment
- LTCC process and learning applications. And the presence of internal electrodes, the number of stacking, sintering temperature, let the
dielectric properties.
2. Theoretical Background
- CIP, WIP and (WIP reasons to use thick film process.)
①. Cold Isostatic Pressing(CIP)
"Some of sealed fluid pressure is applied to each part of its strength in the
fluid is passed unchanged." Proposed by the French chemist Blaise Pascal is
Pascal`s principle applying. Bag of powdered materials such as rubber mold in
the form of low-resistance seal is added to the hydraulic fluid pressure that
compacts the surface evenly under pressure equal to, without direction is
compression molding.

<중 략>

6. discussion
You can look for the above tables and graphs. Apply a thick film electrodes sintered at 850℃ and 850℃, do not apply the electrodes sintered thick films are compared. Capacitance in the thick film electrode was much higher.
In this expression, when the following conditions be laminated with Capacitance greater if there are many. Increase the area of ??the electrode. In other words, 7th Floor layer capacitance values ??of the layer is greater than the 9th floor. If there are a lot of electrodes reason is because an increase in cross-sectional area. There are two electrodes in thick. Then thick films sintered at 850℃ Capacitance value was great. Densification of the material is sintered. But the temperature is high, the electrode is not melted. The voids inside the material properties are worse. Capacitance values ??so low, thick films sintered at 880℃ was measured.

참고 자료

Ceramic materials for electronicsedited
an_song/mlcc.htm 삼성전기 home page
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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