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[미대중문화의 비판적 접근] how holleywood effect the us hemony?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


원어로 쓰느라고 아주 고생한 레포트 임다
많은 도움이 되었으면 합니다..


1.an introduction
2. historical view
3. the relation between holleywood and the Pentagon
4. my view


2002. 6. 10. the name of the movie "sum of all fears" was released. The story of the movie was that FBI arrested the criminals Arab person, because he was bringing some radioactivity material. But, strange thing is that the last scene of the movie is almost same the real situations. In the movie, the US president met Russian president, and the discuss about the terror and radioactivity materials. At the same time, in the real situations, Bush met Putin, and discuss about the terrorism. Is that happen by accent?
So, many people wonder about relationship between holleywood and
Bush administrations. In fact, it was revealed by newspapers, it said like
this, " White house sets meeting with film executives to discuss war on
terrorism, Kal Rove from the government met Sery Rancing movie
director " And after the 9.11 terror, many movies about the war and
terror were released, and they were very popular. For example, almost
movies about the war were ranked top like this.

Box office ranking
1. enemy lines (2001.11.30~ 12.2)
2. Black hark down (2001.12.28~ 12.30)
3. political damage (2002.2.8~ 2.10)
4. we were solders (2002.3.1~ 3.3)
5. sum of all fears (2002.5.31~ 6.2)

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[미대중문화의 비판적 접근] how holleywood effect the us hemony?
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