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뱅뱅마케팅(bangbang) 영문버전,영문판,영문마케팅

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Situation analysis1. Background information- Information of BangBangCOMPANY HISTORY* In 1961, It started the clothes business at `평화시장`* In 1970, It produced jeans brand name called `BANGBANG`* In 1983, BANGBANG built their office building at `뱅뱅사거리`* In 1985, Found the `(주)뱅뱅어패럴`* In 1990, They got ALL A from 공업진흥청 for 2 yearsBANGBANG is the first jean company of Korea, and it was the renovation brand that changed the recognition of people about `Korean Jean`. In 1970, Korean technique was bad and they don`t have enough 청. So Korean people didn`t believe the Korean jean company. They liked oversea brands. In 1980, all Korean school started to wear the free dress except uniform(교복자율화), and jean market began expanded in Korean. Jean is from Western, and it symbolize the Western so BANGBANG`s quality was hard to get good valuation. However, In 1985, 1989, 1900, They got ALL A from 진흥청. They recognized the quality from people and they make the oversea brands away. Therefore, they entered to Jean market well. `1982 교복자율화` lead BANGBANG to success, but it was not acted only for BANGBANG. Levis, 씨지오바렌테, 리루방 etc so many oversea jean brands got attention too and it was not too good for BANGBANG. But BANGBANG hold the top in market because it had high quality and cheap than other Korean brands and also people had the recognition that it is the first jean brand in Korea.But risk came to BANGBANG from other things. There were 원단,design, price, people` s opinion etc to buy. However, even if price is cheap, people said they don`t want to buy like brand BANGBANG. It means, brand reach effect to price. Even though it is same design, the reason that price is different is 원단의 차이, brand price and people think if brand is good, then 원단 should be great too. However, people agree that brand effects more than 원단. People said their typical image of jean brands are Guess, Uniqlo, Truereligion, Levis. But there are no BANGBANG or they imaginated lately. It means, BANGBANG didn`t have any special feature. When people said about BANGBANG, many people said they heard BANGBANG first time or said badly. BANGBANG`s clothes are lower price than other oversea brands and it was their strategy, but it was not a very good strategy.


Ⅰ. Situation analysis
1. Background information
2. Formulating problems / Identifying opportunities
3. Research questions

Ⅱ.Segmenting and targeting strategies
1. Segmenting
2. Targeting

Ⅲ. Research methods and results
1. Sample
2. questionnaire
3. Reseults

Ⅳ. Research methods and results


BANGBANG is the first jean company of Korea, and it was the renovation brand that changed the recognition of people about `Korean Jean`. In 1970, Korean technique was bad and they don`t have enough 청. So Korean people didn`t believe the Korean jean company. They liked oversea brands.

In 1980, all Korean school started to wear the free dress except uniform(교복자율화), and jean market began expanded in Korean. Jean is from Western, and it symbolize the Western so BANGBANG`s quality was hard to get good valuation. However, In 1985, 1989, 1900, They got ALL A from 진흥청. They recognized the quality from people and they make the oversea brands away. Therefore, they entered to Jean market well.

`1982 교복자율화` lead BANGBANG to success, but it was not acted only for BANGBANG. Levis, 씨지오바렌테, 리루방 etc so many oversea jean brands got attention too and it was not too good for BANGBANG. But BANGBANG hold the top in market because it had high quality and cheap than other Korean brands and also people had the recognition that it is the first jean brand in Korea.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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뱅뱅마케팅(bangbang) 영문버전,영문판,영문마케팅 무료자료보기
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