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a study of scholarship

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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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The history of scholarship has been that of disputation. Since the age of a Roman poet, Horace, scholars have been engaged in every kind of disputes. However, scholars in the whole history of the West have been taking double roles-both maker and questioner of fundamentals and principles. Scholars have never been satisfied with the role of the holder of dogmatic principles. As suggested in its Latin origin “schola”, the historically fore-running minds of


1. The History of Scholarship
2. Humanities Scholars in Society


Nonetheless, the disintegration of the scholars’ general and specific functions can be witnessed in a Renaissance giant, William Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare draws lines among courtiers, soldiers and scholars. He describes a scholar as wise, fair-spoken, and persuading. Shakespeare, who is not so learned in classical languages and literature, esteems the humanist-scholar for his learning and mastery of language. From the Renaissance on, these concepts of the scholar as man of learning and hence of nobility and of his function, though getting too narrowly specialized, have been maintained and sometimes emphasized. However, the rise of the middle class and the decline of the nobility and the gentry faded away the noble function of scholarship. The middle class was too busy managing workers and work-places, and the noble humanist scholars were drifting on the waves of scientific development. Indeed, the scholars from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century on have been objects of mockery, for being too dogmatic or theoretical. Matthew Arnold in his “The Scholar Gypsy” describes a scholar as a wanderer and gypsy deriving a story from Joseph Glanvill’s The Vanity of Dogmatizing (1661) of

참고 자료

Altick, Richard D. and J. J. Fenstermaker. The Art of Literary Research. 4th Ed. New York: Norton, 1993.
Booth, Wayne C. “The Scholar in Society”. Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures. Ed. Joseph Gibaldi. New York: The MLA, 1981.
Graff, Gerald. “The Scholar in Society”. Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures. Ed. Joseph Gibaldi. New York: The MLA, 1992.
The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Complete Text Reproduced Micrographically. Vol. II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971.
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a study of scholarship
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