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Deconstruction in Maison Martin Margiela’s Design

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


마틴 마르지엘라의 페션에서 나타난 해체주의 특징들을 살펴본 영어 리서치 페이퍼입니다.
에세이는 MLA형식으로 썼습니다.
문법 교정은 받은 것입니다.




Deconstruction, introduced by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, originated in a revolutionary movement that was a reaction against boring and rigorous literary analysis in the mid-20th century (Spindler). It has influenced everything from modern art to architecture. Also, it dominated the world of fashion during the 1990’s. In fashion design, it was considered a backlash against high quality clothes, a paradigm of anti-fashion. Many fashion designers, Martin Margiela, Karl Lagerfeld and Dries van Noten, introduced elements related to deconstruction into their design, such as unfinished seams, intentional slashes, and asymmetrical cuts. Especially, Martin Margiela, a Belgian fashion designer, led the deconstructionist movement in the 1990’s and he is still showing many collections with deconstructive elements today. He has broken methods of conventional garment construction and has denied the canons of the body’s form, proportion, and silhouette that are expressed through clothes. Therefore, he has expressed deconstruction in his design by using various methods: exposure, recycling, destruction and reconstruction.

참고 자료

1.Bromley, Lain. Very Vintage: the Guide to Vintage Patterns and Clothing. London: Black Dog,2008, Print.
2.Gill, Alison. “Deconstruction Fashion: The Making of Unfinished, Decomposing and Re- assembled Clothes.” Fashion Theory 2.1(1996): 25-49. Print.
3.Loreck, Hanne. “De/constructing Fashion/Fashions of Deconstruction: Cindy
4.Sherman`s Fashion Photographs.” Fashion Theory 6.3(2002): 255-75. Print.
5.Margiela, Martin. Masion Martin Margiela. New York: Rizzoli, 2009, Print.
6.Spilker, Kaye Durland. Breaking the mode: contemporary fashion from the permanent collection, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. New York: Skira, 2007, Print.
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Deconstruction in Maison Martin Margiela’s Design
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