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[A+ 영문레포트] Conflict of work place (직장내 갈등의 원인과 해결 및 예방 방안)

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최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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직장내 갈등의 원인과 종류 그리고 해결 방안 및 예방 방안에 관한 레포트 입니다.

교환학생시절 작성한 레포트로, 국내 자료 보다는 해외자료와 서적을 많이 사용 했습니다.
국내에서는 제출한적이 없는 레포트로, 영문 레포트 제출시 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.

A+ 받은 레포트로, 맞춤법이나 단어 선택도 적절하게 잘 사용하여 좋은 학점을 받았습니다.



I. What is ‘Conflict’
1. Definition of Conflict
2. Cause of Conflict
3. Kind of Conflict
4. Symptoms of conflict

II. Managing Conflict
1. Establish and maintain a healthy work environment.
2. Know when and how to confront conflict.
3. Managing conflict between Individuals
4. Managing conflict between groups
5. How can prevent future conflict.

III. Value of Conflict
1. Conflict is destructive, when it
2. Conflict is constructive, when it

IV. Conclusion


I. What is ‘Conflict’

1. Definition of Conflict

① The meaning of dictionary : Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement.
② The meaning of work place conflict : The conflicts that arise in workplaces may be shaped by the unique aspects of this environment, including the long hours many people spend at their workplace, the hierarchical structure of the organization, and the difficulties (e.g. financial consequences) that may be involved in switching to a different workplace. In this respect, workplaces share much in common with schools, especially pre-college educational institutions in which students are less autonomous.

2. Cause of Conflict

A. Misunderstanding
B. Personality clashes
C. Competition for resources
D. Authority issues
E. Lack of cooperation
F. Differences over methods or style
G. Low performance
H. Value or goal differences

참고 자료

- Richard E.Walton /Managing conflict interpersonal dialogue and third-party roles
- Wikipidea
- Conflict sociology / Randall / Collins
- Human Resource Management / David Lepak, Mary Gowan/ Prentice Hall
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[A+ 영문레포트] Conflict of work place (직장내 갈등의 원인과 해결 및 예방 방안)
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