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Organization of the 四象醫學 and the background

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9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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The concept of 四象醫學 didn`t take a position before 李濟馬.
However, nothing but was not taken a position the concept of 四象醫學, the root of 四象醫學 was coming through the 周易. Someone spoke that 李濟馬 made 四象醫學 himself, spoke that 四象醫學 is heresy. However, 李濟馬 just arranged the 四象醫學 that come at that time. As is so, it is fairly difficult that we speak 李濟馬 made that 四象醫學. Therefore, because 李濟馬 arranges a concept of 四象醫學 why, it is remained by curiosity that took a position. So, let`s recognize why 李濟馬 established a concept of 四象醫學.




History >
Organization of the 四象醫學 and the background
(Reasons that Lee Je-ma made 四象醫學)
Ajou University of school of medicine
● Primary Source
東醫壽世保元 ver. English (1894~1901), 李濟馬(1838~1900), Kyunghee University Publication department, 1997
東醫壽世保元 ver. 漢文(1894~1901), 李濟馬(1838~1900), 乙酉文化社, 1996
● Objective
The concept of 四象醫學 didn`t take a position before 李濟馬.
However, nothing but was not taken a position the concept of 四象醫學, the root of 四象醫學 was coming through the 周易. Someone spoke that 李濟馬 made 四象醫學 himself, spoke that 四象醫學 is heresy. However, 李濟馬 just arranged the 四象醫學 that come at that time. As is so, it is fairly difficult that we speak 李濟馬 made that 四象醫學. Therefore, because 李濟馬 arranges a concept of 四象醫學 why, it is remained by curiosity that took a position. So, let`s recognize why 李濟馬 established a concept of 四象醫學.

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