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Travel research paper

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


각 나라에 관한 여행 자료들을 모아 놓은 자료들입니다.




There are many beautiful places in the world to visit. This paper will focus on four cities which include Paris, Seoul, London, and Chicago. This research paper will provide valuable information for anyone who wants to travel to any of these cities. ...................................

참고 자료

"Paris Travel Guide." Travel Guides - World Travel Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2010.
<http://www.worldtravelguide.net/city/94/city_guide/Europe/Paris.html>. This website is a guide for traveling Paris. Paris is a city of France. The traveler might get information in this side. There is information about city, restaurants, hotels, attractions, transports, shopping, events and else. This side will be helpful to travelers. Paris is a city of France which is the city of the ‘City of Lights`. There are much kind of hotels and restaurants so the travelers might choose what they want. For transports, the same tickets are valid on the bus, metro, and RER. Paris’s top attractions are Tour Eiffel, Louvre National Museum, and else. There are events which are Paris Film Festival, Musical Fair, New Year`s Eve, Open Air Cinema, and else.

"Seoul Travel Guide." World Travel Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2010. <httphttp://www.worldtravelguide.net/city/113/city_guide/Far-East-Asia/Seoul.html>. This website is a guide for traveling Seoul. The site explains about Seoul and introduces about Seoul. Also, there is information about hotels, restaurants, attractions, transports, and else. Seoul is located in Republic of Korea. Seoul is the seventh largest city in the world. In South Korea, there is one Inchon International Airport (ICN) which is located 52km (32miles) west of downtown Seoul. The transports are very comfortable and clean. There are bus, subway, and taxis. Seoul’s top attractions are Gyeongbokgung Palace, Insa-dong, Namsan Seoul Tower, Lotte world and Dongdaemoon Market. Lotus Lantern Festival and Hi Seoul Festival are events in Seoul.

"London Travel Guide." Travel Guides - World Travel Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2010. <http://www.worldtravelguide.net/city/70/city_guide/Europe/London.html>. This website is a guide for traveling London. In this website, there is information about London. So it will be helpful for traveler. London is one of the world’s great cities. London is located in the southeast of England and it is the capital of the UK. In London, the population is 7.5 million. There are buses, subway, taxis and trains. So the travelers might choose that they want. There are much kind of hotels and restaurants. The London’s top attractions are London Eye and County Hall, London Aquarium, Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey (Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, and Westminster Hall).

"Chicago Travel Guide." Travel Guides - World Travel Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2010. <http://www.worldtravelguide.net/city/31/city_guide/North-America/Chicago.html>. This website is a guide for traveling Chicago. If the travelers enter this site, the travelers might find information about Chicago. Chicago is often called the ‘Second City’. Chicago is number one when it comes to culture, fine dining, shopping and commerce. There are two airports which are ORD and MDW. There are facilities. The location of Chicago is state of Illinois, Southeast shores of Lake Michigan, USA. There is CTA service which is operates trains and buses within the city. The top attractions of Chicago are Art institute of Chicago, Grant Park, Willis Tower, and else. The travelers might tour Chicago by boat, train, and bicycle. There are much kind of hotels and restaurants. There are events in Chicago which are Chicago Auto Show, Chicago Flower and Garden Show, and Chicago Gospel Music Festival.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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