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Measurement of Hill activity using isolated chloroplast

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10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Measurement of Hill activity using isolated chloroplast에 관한 실험 보고서




Chromatography is a physical method of separation in which the components to be separated are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary(stationary phase) while the other(the mobile phase) moves in a definite direction. Elution chromatography is procedure in which the mobile phase is continually passed through or along the chromatographic bed and the sample is fed into the system in a definite slug.
As the mobile phase passes over and through the stationary phase, the components of the mixture ideally equilibrate or differentially partition between the two phases, resulting in different migration rates through the system. Alternatively, we could say that the various components of the mixture are retarded in their passage through the system in proportion to their interaction with (sorption on) the sorbent bed. At any given time, a particular analyte molecule is either in the mobile phase, moving along at its velocity, or in the stationary phase and not moving at all in the downstream dirction. The sorption-desorption process occurs many times as the molecule moves through the bed, and the time required to do so depends mainly on the proportion of time it is sorbed and held immobile. A separation is effected if the various components emerge from the bed at different times, which are called retention times.

참고 자료

1. Rang H.P., Pharmacology. Edinburgh: Churchill Living stone. 146p. 2003
2. James M. Miller, Chromatography: concepts and contrasts 2e, John Wiley and Sons, 43p.-45p.
3. Laurence M. Harwood, Christopher J. Moody, Experimental organic chemistry: Principles and Practice. 180p. – 185p.
4. Rendina, George, Experimental Method in Modern Biochemisrty, W.B. Saunders Campany:Philadelphia, PA, 46p.-55p., 1976
5. J. D. J. Ingle and S. R. Crouch, Spectrochemical Analysis, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1988
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Measurement of Hill activity using isolated chloroplast
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