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Mrs Dalloway`s attractive character

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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레포트에요 ^^ 달러웨이 부인의 성격에 대해 영어로 에세이 쓴것입니다.




Mrs Dalloway`s attractive character
It was the first time that I have seen this type of noble, maybe because it had a stream of consciousness. Sometimes, it was hard for me to follow the story whether it was the past time or present. In the beginning part of it, I like the indirect style of statement to begin naturally. Especially, for Mrs Dalloway, buying some vivid color of flowers is a very important matter. It is concerned with her tremendous party which she really likes to hold. Someone could think that women who buy some flowers are eaningless thing, but comparing to men who take part in the social status, it is the same as men`s doing in society, because it has a value.
Other things that I noticed interestingly, There was an image of plunging and separating. "What a lark! What a plunge!" this sentence contains Mrs Dalloway`s double character presenting up and down. In the traditional novel before the Woolf`s new writhing technique, It didn`t exist an ambiguous character.

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Mrs Dalloway`s attractive character
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