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[서울대학교 국제경영] 볼보 Volvo case write-up (영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


서울대학교 박남규 교수 국제경영 수업에서 하버드 비즈니스 리뷰 읽고 영문으로 작성해가야 하는 과제물입니다. 1번은 틀리게 썼는데 고치지 않고 그대로 올립니다. 각 branch들이 어느 나라에 위치해 있는 지 써야 맞습니다.


1. How has Volvo configured its value chain for competing in the worldwide heavy truck industry? What is concentrated? Where? What is dispersed? Where? Explain the rationale.
2. Why has Volvo been so committed to entering the U.S. market?
3. Why have European producers had difficulty achieving success in the United States? Why have U.S. producers had limited success in Europe?
4. What approach has Volvo taken to penetrating the United states? What has Volvo done right? Done wrong?
5. What should Volvo senior management do in 2000?


1. How has Volvo configured its value chain for competing in the worldwide heavy truck industry? What is concentrated? Where? What is dispersed? Where? Explain the rationale.

In the U.S., most manufacturers were assemblers and made their own cabs, using components from outside suppliers, as mentioned in the case. But traditionally, all the leading European truck manufacturers were integrated into drive-train components. Volvo was also fully integrated, developing and producing all major drive-train components, including engines and transmissions. The vast majority of the trucks produced by Volvo were in the heavy segment, accounting for over 90% of Volvo`s total production. However, Volvo intended to introduce "American concept" when it decided to enter global market. New product was based on a modular concept in which standardized components were produced centrally for local assembly. The modular concept not only affected product development but also reduced the costs of warehousing, purchasing, and shipping. Furthermore, special customer demands could be met more easily, as mentioned in the case. In this way, Volvo`s value chain was changed from final product manufacturer to platform supplier.
Assembly plants were located in Belgium

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[서울대학교 국제경영] 볼보 Volvo case write-up (영문)
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