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RF Mifare RC531 chip의 기본 특징과 정리

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Mifare RC531 chip의 기본 특징과 register, cripto 등을 정리한 파일


1. Features
2. Block Diagram
3. Pin 배열
4. Connection to Different u-processor
5. SIP Connection
6. Mode of Register Addressing
8. FIFO buffer
9. INTERRUPT Request System
10. 기본 Register
11. Cryptography
12. Crpto1


1. Highly integrated analog circuitry to demodulate and decode card response
2. Buffered output drivers to connect an antenna with minimum number of external components
3. Proximity operating distance (up to 100mm)
4. Supports ISO 14443 A&B
5. Supports MIFARE Dual interface card ICs and supports MIFARE Classic protocol
6. Supports contactless communication with higher baudrates up to 424 kbaud
7. Crypto1 and secure non-volatile internal key memory
8. Pin-compatible to the MF RC500, MF RC530 and the SL RC400
9. Parallel u-Processor interface with internal address latch and IRQ line
10. SPI compatible interface
11. Flexible interrupt handling
12. Automatic detection of parallel u-Processor interface type
13. Comfortable 64 byte send and receive FIFO-buffer
14. Hard reset with low power function
15. Power down mode per software
16. Programmable timer
17. Unique serial number
18. User programmable start-up configuration
19. Bit- and byte- oriented framing
20. Independent power supply pins for digital, analog and transmitter part
21. internal oscillator buffer to connect 13.56 MHz quartz, optimised for low phase jitter
22. Clock frequency filtering
23. 3.3V to 5V operation for transmitter (antenna driver) in short range and proximity application
24. 3.3V to 5V operation for the digital part

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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