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American History

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<미국의 역사>
American History

Colonial Era~Independence~Election~Civil War~Reconstruction Era
(+A Essay)




America, from the colonial period, was mainly structured as an extension of European society and culture to profit its mother country. America shaped its society based on the various ethnicities consisting of Europeans, Native Americans, African slaves, and immigrants unifying the whole nation. The United States of America is one of the economically and culturally leading nations and has a reason how it became powerful, dominant, and unique. Three main factors, race, freedom of religion, and concept of democracy, have contributed to this power and uniqueness that America stands for. Many historical events occurred and shaped the United States from the colonial era when people came to America seeking for hope, all the way to the Reconstruction era when people began to actually unify as one nation.
During the colonial era not only Africans, but also Europeans were brought to the 13 colonies as indentured servants. An Indentured servant is a worker working under a contract for a fixed period of time for the cost of his or her transportation to the 13 colonies and for other necessities. Africans were treated just as other European indentured servants in the early days in Virginia, which meant that they were freed after expiration of the contract.

Americans from the colonial period had a strong pride and a unique viewpoint different from other countries. Their lives from the colonial period involved struggle for freedom and democracy. Dreaming about hopes, fighting for freedom, striving for unification, exploring the unknown lands, reforming to enhance the well-fare, and creating a democratic government for the people were all essential parts that defined America. However, there were two main conflicting pursuits of thoughts between the Whites and the Blacks that remain from the colonial era, and maybe to these days. The original settlers who were dominantly whites from Europe always attempted to occupy the upper class of the social hierarchy and leave the Africans at the bottom. Thus, Africans who later were granted American citizens had a

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