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Biotechnology And Religion(생명공학과 종교윤리)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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생명공학과 종교적 윤리에 대한 영어 에세이 입니다.
직접 조사해서 견해을 쓴 글을 영작하여 제출하였던 레포트 입니다.




The human society developed from mechanical engineering and chemical engineering to biological engineering. To past, mechanical engineering developed for living. However, in these days, sociable issues are relating biotechnology. The big issues, for example, Professor Hwang Woo-suk`s stem cell experiment and England`s permission of made a different kind of embryo bud of half-human half-animal and birth the baby for cultivate body part were the big issues. For mechanical and chemical engineering change the object`s surface but biotechnology change the creature for make necessary things for human, human is can`t be exception. As you see cloned sheep `Dolly` at 1996 and Cloned dog `Snuppy` by Professor Hwang Woo-suk at 2005. Other creatures were cloned except them. By these facts, at near future, we can predict that we can clone the human. Then, what`s the problem of era of what we concerning? Developing biotechnology, biotechnology and religion getting ethnical problem. If is like that, what are the Biotechnology and Ethnic?

Biotechnology has variety technology like tissue culture, cell fusion, nucleus metathesis, fertile egg transfer, DNA gene recombination etc. Tissue culture is more common of plant, cultivate a part from living creature`s cell. Cell fusion is similar of different cells cohesion of different creatures` and cultivate it. Examples are Pomato (POtato + toMATO) and Muchu <Chinese cabbage(BaeCHU) + Radish (MU)>. Among the biotechnologies, nucleus metathesis, fertile egg transfer and DNA gene recombination are the representative technologies what occuring ethinical problem. At first, nucleus metathesis is method of changing living creature`s property, insert some useful DNA to e.coli`s plasmid and cultivate new DNA.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Biotechnology And Religion(생명공학과 종교윤리)
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