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비폭력 사회변화 (Nonviolent social change)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


비폭력 사회활동으로 우리 사회를 어떻게 변화 시킬수 있는 가에 대한 영작글입니다...
4장정도의 글인데 좋은 점수를 받았습니다...
간디와 마틴 루터킹의 예로 우리 사회가 나아가야 할 방향을 제시했습니다...
많은 참고 바랄께요.




For a long time ago, many weak people were repressed by violent social changes. Some people acted immorality because they wanted to gain their own benefits by committing crimes in our society. There were some massacres that resulted in the death of weak and innocent people for the benefits of a few people in high class. In other words, nonviolent actions come from those people who wanted to gain power and wealth. However, nonviolent social change, which rejects the use of physical violence, is a contrast to violence. The nonviolent social change has been making more issues than the past because it is important for our modern society. Modern societies definitely have some differences from the past. Today, nonviolent social change has become possible in our society because of love and passion which results in increase morality and forgiveness.

참고 자료

Wylie, Margie. (2003) Are Humans Hard-wired to Behave aggressively?. The source work book,183.
Cobban, Helena. ( 2003) Healing Lessons from Another war-torn society-Mozambique. The source work book, 192.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1953). An Experiment in Love. The source work book, 185, 186.
Duvall, Jack. ( 2004) Liberation without war. The source work book,191.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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